Praying & Reading Scripture in our Parish ...
Each month, St Mark's produce a Calendar of Intercessions, based upon many aspects of life within our parish - and we would like to share it with you all. We hope that you will find it useful in your personal devotions.
If there is anything that you think we should add to the cycle, please feel free to let us know (using the 'Contact' form on this website), and we will be happy to consider it.
Throughout the year, we also follow a 'Roads' pattern of prayer. Alongside our ecumenical neighbours in the other churches of North Camp, we each commit to praying for the roads that make up our area of Farnborough. Here at St. Mark's we reflect this pattern within our own prayer calendar.
Reading Scripture
St Mark's also produce a Calendar of the Bible Readings that we use at all of our worship.
These are mainly taken from the Church of England Lectionary, with additions/amendments where permitted.
The current editions of these Calendars are listed below - click on the month, and a PDF file will open with all the details:
Prayer Calendar 2025
As the monthly prayer calender is generated it will be added to the appropriate button above.
Sunday 16th February 10.30 am Service Readings & Gospel Reading