Sermon by Phil Roche 26.03.2023

We've just had a fantastic story.
The telling of the raising of Lazarus from the dead. It's a truly brilliant story.

And there's so much in it.
All of the details of who did what, what they said,
what happened.

John, is a really good storyteller. He gives us all the details.

And it can be really easy
to get caught up in those details. To try and work out
why so and so did what they did, or said what they said.

We all like a bit of analysis
to try and understand all the minutest of details. Because if we do that
we can feel we will really understand
and know what the message of the story is

Now that is something that's really good. Wanting to know and understand,
but occasionally all that analysis
can take us away from a broader

bigger understanding of the story.

If we only focus on the details, we can miss the bigger message.

So what's the bigger message here?

John, as well as being a really good storyteller, never misses an opportunity
to have more than one meaning in his writing.

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There's nearly always the straightforward narrative, and at the same time,
a bigger picture,
a spiritual picture..

Sometimes we need to consider it carefully. Sometimes it's so obvious,
we can't miss it.
This is one of those.

Lazarus had died,
and has been raised from the dead.

This means he has an opportunity
to do things differently.
He can reassess and make a fresh start.

Literally he can remove the stuff from his old life, the wrappings of the grave clothes,
the strips of cloth that bind him,
the things that hold him back

and step into a new way, a new life.

Jesus's instruction is that
the old bindings are removed.

Do you think Lazarus would just stand there silently, unmoving
whilst his friends gently unwrapped him?

No he'd be fighting his way out,
and his friends would be pulling
and cutting the cloth to get him out.
To get him free from the stuff binding him to death. To break out into a new fresh life
free from all that stuff.

That's what Jesus gave Lazarus. A new life free from all the stuff

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that literally bound him to his past and death.

And that's what Jesus offers to everyone. Thankfully not always in such a drastic and dramatic way.

We don't have to literally die, in order to be able to receive a new life in Christ.

But we do need to take a step.
Jesus called Lazarus to come out of the grave, the place he was in.
And he responded.
He took the step.

He recognised the situation
and wanted to accept the change,
the chance,
the opportunity
to do and live differently.
He didn't just say
'no thank you, I'm quite happy where I am'.

He 5ook the step

And it's the same for everyone.
Jesus has the power of life over death. He can give a completely fresh start.

All of the stuff that binds
and holds us back can be gone.

Jesus has a plan for each of us,
and invites us to take part in that plan. To escape from the stuff that binds and step forward into a new life.
An eternal life.

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All we have to do
is take a step towards it, a step towards Jesus.

How do we do that?

Well during our lives there are opportunities. Sometimes they are public statements of faith, or commitment.
Sometimes a more private interaction

or conversation with Jesus.

Public statements can involve
preparation and involvement in a service. Such as a confirmation service,
in the way Hannah and Neo will be doing in a couple of weeks time at the Cathedral.

Or a baptism.

I was baptised, by full immersion, aged 21. It was in a service in a swimming pool. There were a number of us,
I was last to go.

Quite handy really
as we had to go quite a bit deeper!!

But they are moments of opportunity.
Moments to say to Jesus,
I want to step away from stuff that binds me to the past, and step into the new life
you have for me.

And the great thing is,
although a confirmation
or baptism service is public,
and we make that public statement of faith to step into Jesus.

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We don't have to say to anyone but Jesus what we want step away from.
He already knows,
but it's good to say it to him,

so we've recognised it
and are looking to step into the new life with Jesus without it.

And just like for Lazarus
there will be friends around to support and celebrate, at the Cathedral,
and here at St Mark's.
Because Jesus never wants us
to make these steps into new life
for us then to be on our own.

If we make that step,
have that conversation with Jesus privately, and we can.
He then doesn't want us to be alone.

He wants us to come together,
to be mutual support for each other. To look out for each other.
To learn how to live in the new life, the eternal life together.

Which is what we're doing now.
Coming together, to learn and grow.
So that in a little while
when we take our service into the world outside these walls,
the new life,
the eternal life,
that Jesus offers
will be made apparent to those we meet.

Because the new life gives us the opportunity

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to not only to step away from stuff that binds, but step into new things.

Things that come with hope, light,

and a whole host of other things.

Things that in a world
where we only hear about bad news, and fear,
and unhappiness,
things are really important.
In fact vital to counteract the negative, and share
the love of Jesus.
The hope of Jesus
The life of Jesus
The eternal life of Jesus

This is the bigger picture on offer to us, and to everyone.
To lift up our eyes from the details
that can sometimes feel overwhelming and bring us down.

To look at the hope and new life
that we have in Jesus.

So that we can step with him,
walk with him through all situations, with the knowledge of hope
and life in him.

And if we feel like
we haven't had an opportunity to take that step to new life in Jesus,

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it's never too late.

We can take it at any point,
at any time.
And the people of God will be there to support, and share.

And Jesus will be there to provide new life,
new hope,
new joy,

new peace,
for us,
and for those whose lives we touch with the love and
eternal life of Jesus.

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